For Management

Our Back Office Support Solution (BOSS) is designed to:

  • Cut costs and increase efficiency of post-trade management
  • Streamline reporting to give you daily visibility into your P&L
  • Keep client relationships and revenue productivity your core focus

chart-growthIn order to retain their current customers and compete in today’s fast-paced market, these companies must now determine how to increase operational efficiency while simultaneously finding new ways to bring value to their clients. We believe a Broker Dealer Software solution for post-trade management can help address these needs and give securities organizations an edge on the competition.

Here are 5 Reasons to Consider Broker Dealer Software for Post-Trade Management…Click here to read the article.

laptopWe believe the best way for Capital Market Firms to address the issue of back-office inefficiency is with a customizable, automated and web-based solution, which is delivered as a service.  Using a Saas-based (software as a service) solution can help companies streamline and integrate the different aspects of the post-trade process, including profitability reporting, client commissions, soft dollar programs and CMTA, eliminating hours of labor costs and providing instant access to all data across the globe without worrying about the mechanics. Click here to read the article.

check-listOur back-office system (BOS) streamlines your post-trade processes in four easy steps. These four steps allow you to easily analyze where all money is coming from and where it is going to (including to whom), enabling you to quickly make the right decision about where to focus your efforts in optimizing your trading effectiveness and/or reallocate capital as needed. The following four steps allow you to…Click here to read the article.

printIn this 2-minute demo, we go over the reporting capabilities of our Back Office Support Solution for Broker-Dealers. Specifically, we discuss how the solution simplifies reporting though:

  • The comprehensiveness of the reports
  • The ease of access and ability to drill down
  • The ease of exportability

Watch the demo.


We recently sat down with one of our first clients, Rosemary Heaphy from Concept Capital, to understand her experience with BOSS and how BOSS is bringing value to her company.

Q: Can you name the top three ways BOSS makes your life easier?

A: First would be Broker Payouts, which is a monthly function. We have so many brokers and have to get payroll done within a week; and we wouldn’t be able to do it without a system like BOSS…read the full article here.